A rodeo clown assists cowboys at rodeos and other equine events. While rodeo clowns are entertainers, they also play an important safety role. Many young people may wonder, “How do I become a rodeo clown?” While there are no fixed educational requirements or certification programs for rodeo clowns, it is a position that requires one to have experience and safety training. The following guide provides simple tips and tricks on how to become a rodeo clown.
Many people see rodeo clown performing silly antics at a circus or rodeo. While these antics are designed to be amusing, they also play an important safety role. One of the most popular activities in a rodeo is bull riding. When riding a bull, a cowboy can be exposed to significant amounts of danger.
Before a rodeo, a bull is usually agitated to make him or her angry. Most rodes use a specialized strap that has a sharp point on it. This sharp point digs into the skin of the bull. While it doesn’t injure the bull permanently, it does create a strong stinging sensation on the bull’s skin. In addition, spurs on a cowboy’s boots can lead to increased bull agitation.
By agitating the bull, a cowboy can ensure a good performance for the rodeo audience. However, an agitated bull can be very dangerous. Once a cowboy is knocked off the bull, the bull may attempt to gore or crush the cowboy. To avoid this happening, rodeo clowns will work to distract the bull and get the cowboy to safety.
Rodeo clowns are exposed to a significant degree of risk in their daily jobs. For example, 14 rodeo clowns were severely injured in 2011. While this number may seem low, it’s important to remember that there aren’t very many rodeo clowns in existence.
Most rodeos provide several safety features to protect clowns. While a rodeo clown costume may seem fun and colorful, it often plays an important safety role. For example, many rodeo clowns wear a protective vest, knee pads and other safety equipment to prevent injury. In addition, some rodeo clowns may wear a helmet disguised as a silly hat. Rodeo clowns also have access to specialized safety barrels that they can hide in during a bull attack.
The average rodeo clown salary in 2009 was $35,000 according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). While there are no educational requirements for this career choice, it’s important to remember that one is taking on a very high degree of risk. There are many other high-risk careers that offer better pay.
Most people start their career as a rodeo clown by becoming involved with a rodeo. It’s usually not possible to apply directly for a position as a rodeo clown. Instead, an individual will apply for a position as a rodeo assistant or cowboy. After starting a career in one of these positions, an individual will usually transition to the role of a rodeo clown.
There are few opportunities for advancement in this career. Without further education, an individual will probably remain as a rodeo clown indefinitely. While being a rodeo clown can be a fun and emotionally-rewarding experience, it’s important to understand the degree of risk one must take on every day.